North Whitby Physiotherapy

Leaders in Quality Care

Improving our clients' quality of life with only the best in physical therapy.

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We Specialize In

  • Physiotherapy

    Our physical therapy/physiotherapy experts are professionals who use a wide range of physiotherapy modalities, such as hands on therapy and exercise, to ease acute and chronic joint and muscular pain. In addition, we offer pain relief modalities such as TENS, electrotherapy, laser, and ultrasound therapy. Together, we plan out the steps for you to take so that you can make progress at a pace that’s right for you. 

  • Acupuncture

    North Whitby is pleased to offer acupuncture to treat chronic pain and stress as well as improve your overall well- being. Acupuncture is a popular, holistic alternative to many modern forms of treatment for pain. Our team uses acupuncture to stimulate and activate the musculoskeletal system to relieve chronic ailments.

  • Massage Therapy

    Massage therapy targets your joints, muscles, and bones to gradually release tension and discomfort throughout the body. Our Registered Massage Therapists  are experienced in a variety of massage therapy techniques and are ready to help you find a treatment that works best for you.  

Discover Our Services

North Whitby Physiotherapy’s dedication to physical therapy services extends to educating our clients in as much detail as possible. Take a moment to browse through our many services to discover more about each one, what you can expect from our team, and how we can ultimately help you improve your quality of life. We guarantee that you’ll discover a physical therapy application that will benefit you.


How Does It All Work?

With so many physiotherapy applications, methods, techniques and plans, it can be tough knowing where to start. That’s why at your initial visit, we conduct an in-depth, detailed evaluation of your health and wellness background so that we can get you started on a physical therapy plan that allows you to meet your goals. 

Once our team understands your physical therapy needs, you're ready to begin manual therapy treatment and start your tailored exercise regimen. We work with clients to find treatments that address their musculoskeletal conditions. This can include post-surgery, accidents, sports injuries, repetitive strain, as well as many other physical stressors. 

Our goal is to get your bones, muscles, ligaments, and joints back in the best working condition they can be.

About Our Team

North Whitby Physiotherapy is proud to provide options that include physiotherapy/physical therapy, acupuncture, and massage services that can enhance their daily activities and make their quality of life the best it can be. 

The staff at NWP are committed to providing excellence in therapeutic service, comprehensive care, and above all, an unparalleled dedication to incredible customer service. We put our clients’ needs above all else; no need is too big or small for us to tackle.

Here, our team knows that there's no single, one-size-fits-all, approach to physical therapy treatments. That's why our health professionals take the time to understand each and every one of our client's unique backgrounds and needs, ensuring they can provide a physical therapy plan that works best for you. We're not satisfied until you're feeling like the best version of yourself, every single day. 

Meet The Team

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With a variety of treatments, North Whitby Physiotherapy is the choice for your recovery journey.

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